Links for 1-24-2011

Mondays, I tell you – tons of great things to read, and no time to read and write about them:

  • Is Mobile Affecting When We Read?: This means you also need to be thinking about the hours of support you provide – if your customers are coming after 8pm are they going to be willing to wait until the next “business” day for a response, or will they shop someplace that will? This is the #1 area I see companies cutting corners – failing to staff the hours their site traffic is heaviest.
  • Idea to Market in 5 Months: Making the Glif: This is an awesome dissection of the tools and processes Dan Provost and Tom Gerhardt used to bring The Glif to market. I’d like to see more of these cases broken down so succinctly so others can follow in their footsteps. An article I want you to read so badly that I’m posting it a second time so it doesn’t get lost in other weekend links.
  • Venture Capital and the Decline of the Start-up Middle Class: There are some opportunities in the middle of the VC field. The question is who will pounce on it first.
  • The Commons: the commons are our cumulative national treasure. Who should decide how it’s used?

Happy Monday!

Time and Tool Tip

Do you like to read? Are you frustrated with the refresh button on your browser? Have you ever visited a great site once and then never been able to remember to visit it again?

Have no fear, technology is here! If you have a Google account, you’re less than 5 minutes away from never missing something important on the internet again:

Once you’re set up, let me know if you’re going to offer a shared feed, I’d love to follow you.

IBM at 100

Sometimes, you have to go all in to genuinely enact change. That’s the biggest takeaway I got from this lovely overview of IBM’s 100 years of changing the world the IBM way:

It’s a bit long for web video but it’s also a good lesson in change management.

Links for 1-23-2011

It was one of those weeks and although I really wanted to blog about some of these items in more depth, they have to go on my longer to do list. You shouldn’t miss reading about them, though!

  • What’s Your Personal Data Worth?: Somewhere north of $3.00. Given that I routinely pay my data company $3 for this information, I suspect we value it too little.
  • Idea to Market in 5 Months: Making the Glif: This is an awesome dissection of the tools and processes Dan Provost and Tom Gerhardt used to bring The Glif to market. I’d like to see more of these cases broken down so succinctly so others can follow in their footsteps. If you read only one thing off this list, this should be it!
  • The Phantom 15 Million: Between 2001 and 2008 the U.S. economy should have generated 15 million new jobs. We didn’t, and even the experts aren’t entirely sure why not (perhaps they’re asking the wrong experts).
  • Richmond Type Map: When people tell me print is dying, I’m going to point to projects like this. Artists, are you asking your printers to back these projects or doing them independently?

Happy weekend!

Links for 1-15-2011

Entrance Gallery

My browser is bulging with things to read, here are some I highly recommend diving into for the long holiday weekend:

  • What Do QR Codes Have in Common With Tear-Out Forms?: Ah, the response – I just answered a similar question for a client last week, so I thought I’d share this with everyone.
  • The Golden Era Of Information Discovery: The conversation is happening in new places. Can old media catch up and find them, or will online media outlets continue to eat their lunch?
  • See something? Cite something: I do my best to attribute everything I link here, but this is a funny reminder to do so.
  • IBM’s Watson computer plays Jeopardy: The Watson computer has 2,800 Power7 cores to be able to work through the word play of typical Jeopardy questions in a reasonably quick fashion. Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter are the leading all time Jeopardy winners. In their first match, who wins?
  • The Royal Society’s lost women scientists: Don’t be shocked, but an examination of their archives led the Royal Society to realize that women played a much more critical role in the development and dissemination of knowledge than previously recognized. They’re starting to do something about that.

Happy weekend!

image of a brown haired woman with glasses holding a silly oversized calculator

Links for 1-12-2010

image of a brown haired woman with glasses holding a silly oversized calculator

image used with permission of Alan Cleaver via Flickr

It’s January so I’m knee deep in closing the books for 2010 and designing a really intriguing B2B acquisition campaign. If I wasn’t, I’d be reading the following:

Happy Wednesday!

Links for 1-11-2011

Some more lovely things to read and enjoy:

Happy Tuesday!

Visual Feasts

Today is a special link edition full of beautiful things I think you should go see:

  • Pantone Calendar: Derek Bowers painstakingly hand placed 1,440 images to create his Pantone 2011 Calendar. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I’d happily pay for a print of this in case he’s listening 😉
  • Nicole Aptekar’s Photo Stream: I’ve been following Nicole via Google reader (you should too, it’s a visual rollercoaster) for quite some time and just realized I hadn’t linked to her work yet. Bad me, lucky you! Get ready for a lush, occassionally psychadelic but never, ever boring range of photos. Don’t miss her iPhone experientation set!
  • Drowning Beautiful: Sean Kernick has a lovely photo set featuring Jason de Caires Taylor’s underwater landscapes.

Happy Monday!

Links for 1-9-2011

Looking for something a little more meaty? Here are some good reads to get you through the rest of the weekend:

  • Have We Reached A Tipping Point Where Self-Publishing Is Better Than Getting A Book Deal? Certainly from a technology perspective, it’s now as easy and certainly significantly faster to self publish, but without a list, many authors will not see the revenue they hope for.
  • The Web Is a Customer Service Medium: If you read nothing else this weekend, this should be it. Paul Ford takes us into the psychology behind Why Wasn’t I Consulted and covers how customer service is the new killer application.
  • Best Time for Sales Calls: I would not have guessed these days and times so I’m glad David took the time to read the whole report.
  • Inspiring Women: It’s quite subtle, but with their 1 year anniversary Pictory launches a whole new ad model that 1. isn’t an interruption and 2. takes us beyond the banner. If you’re not following Pictory you’re missing one of the best new sites of 2010 – Laura has done a great job with this concept.

Have a great weekend!

screenshot of Steven Glass Ceramics .com featuring a series of his sanctuary jars.

Maker’s Work

screenshot of Steven Glass Ceramics .com featuring a series of his sanctuary jars.

I’m delighted to introduce you to the works of Steven Glass.

Steven is the Resident Potter at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and one of the founding members of the Cub Creek Foundation. He makes exquisite, playful ceramics that embrace functional use.

The site is built over WordPress using the Traject theme with extensive customization, which allowed us to deliver a great looking site on time and within a craftsman’s budget.