The Gutenberg editor allows you to create beautiful page and post layouts. Here are some video’s to help you get comfortable with the WordPress interface and the Gutenberg editor.
Advanced WordPress Use
Now that we’ve covered both basic and intermediate WordPress skills, let’s move on to advanced skills! Today’s tutorials include:
Managing Widgets
Restoring a Post
Restoring a Page
Trashing (deleting) a Post
Trashing (deleting) a Page
That’s all for now! If you enjoyed these tutorials, have questions or need assistance, let me know in the comments section!
Intermediate WordPress Tutorials
We’ve barely scratched the surface of fun things you can do with your new WordPress site. Today’s tutorials include:
Adding Video to your WordPress site:
Using QuickPress:
Creating and Managing Custom Navigation Menus
Tomorrow will be our last day of tutorials. We’ll be covering the version manager and deleting (trashing) posts and pages.
As always, please leave a comment if you have questions or need help!
Beyond WordPress Basics
Now that you’ve mastered the basic techniques of working with WordPress, it’s time to take a look at some of the additional features of your WordPress site. Today’s tutorials:
Working with WordPress Pages
WordPress Comment Manager (if we have configured Facebook commenting on your site, feel free to ignore this):
Using the WordPress Excerpt function:
Working with Lists (ordered & unordered):
If you have any questions or comments, please leave me a comment!
WordPress Tags & Categories
WordPress offers the ability to use tags and categories to sort and refine post data. Many advanced themes use tags and categories to display additional post information within pages or sidebars. Here are some helpful tutorials on using these functions within your WordPress site:
Using the Tags function in WordPress:
Working with WordPress categories:
Tomorrow: intermediate WordPress skills, such as working with pages, comments and versions.
WordPress and Links
Working with links in WordPress is fairly straightforward. The following tutorials go into more depth about link tools available in your WordPress site:
Adding Links:
Editing Links:
Working with Link Categories:
Editing Images in WordPress
Yes, you can do basic image editing functions within WordPress. Here are some basics:
Understanding the Image Editor
Editing Images
Cropping and Scaling an image via the Image Editor
Flip, Undo, Redo your image in the Image Editor
Replacing an Image
WordPress and Pictures
WordPress looks best when it has pictures and images to accompany text. Today’s lessons are on working with images in WordPress via the Media Library:
The WordPress Media Library
Adding an Image From Media Library
Adding an Image From Your Computer
Adding an Image From a URL
Deleting an image from your post or page
Using Featured Images
Join us tomorrow for editing images in WordPress.
Getting Started with WordPress
As promised, more WordPress tutorials! Today’s lessons cover:
Navigating the WordPress admin bar:
Working with Hyperlinks:
Editing Text:
Pasting from Word files:

WordPress Support
Lately my development plate has been heaped full of WordPress goodness. Accordingly, I’ll be using my blog for the next interval for some basic WordPress training.
Today’s tutorials are on getting started with a WordPress site.
The WordPress dashboard:
Using the visual editor:
Adding a new post to your blog:
Adding paragraphs to posts or pages:
Tomorrow I’ll have 4 more tutorials on WordPress basics. If you have questions or comments on today’s tutorials, please leave a comment.