Image Post

Beautiful World
Fusce a ante nisl, vitae pretium enim. Nunc imperdiet iaculis augue nec porta! Phasellus congue sapien eget libero ornare lobortis. Aliquam sit amet nulla velit, in posuere tellus. Nulla ut orci lorem. Donec in lectus orci, sed dignissim lacus. Praesent lectus diam, sodales at commodo sodales, hendrerit sit amet justo. Morbi a risus urna. Ut in lorem at nisi ultricies semper? Mauris imperdiet sem euismod ligula pulvinar hendrerit.
Ut nisi nulla, consequat iaculis mollis non, fringilla ut justo. Vestibulum pharetra molestie fringilla. Donec elementum ligula sed turpis commodo tristique. Suspendisse cursus posuere eros at auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae aliquam orci. Ut lobortis, felis sed viverra egestas, sem velit dapibus maur.
Post Format: Video
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.
Post Format: Link
Post without featured image
Fusce a ante nisl, vitae pretium enim. Nunc imperdiet iaculis augue nec porta! Phasellus congue sapien eget libero ornare lobortis. Aliquam sit amet nulla velit, in posuere tellus. Nulla ut orci lorem. Donec in lectus orci, sed dignissim lacus. Praesent lectus diam, sodales at commodo sodales, hendrerit sit amet justo. Morbi a risus urna. Ut in lorem at nisi ultricies semper? Mauris imperdiet sem euismod ligula pulvinar hendrerit.
Ut nisi nulla, consequat iaculis mollis non, fringilla ut justo. Vestibulum pharetra molestie fringilla. Donec elementum ligula sed turpis commodo tristique. Suspendisse cursus posuere eros at auctor. Nulla facilisi. Sed vitae aliquam orci. Ut lobortis, felis sed viverra egestas, sem velit dapibus maur.
Links for 1-6-2010
Even more random things I really think you should go read:
- Scraping for Journalism: A Guide for Collecting Data: These skills are useful for more than journalism – we used similar techniques to match the missing after Katrina. Really good tutorials on how to find, extract and clean data to investigate.
- What Could Have Been Entering the Public Domain: Horton Hears a Who!, The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers should have entered the public domain this past Saturday. Good overview of the issue of commercializing culture.
- Global Growth in Mobile Barcode Usage: Nice overview of the steady growth of QR codes in 2010. For the first time, the US leads the way in number of scans although Canada grew faster.
- Updated Facebook : By request, up to date growth numbers for the Facebook. Looks like the 55+ crowd is starting to arrive with 10+% growth over 2009.
Happy Thursday!
Upgrade Joy
Today for fun we upgraded the site from 2.1 (Ella Fitzgerald) all the way up to 3.0 so that I could begin blogging here again. Oddly enough, the upgrade itself went smoothly, but somehow the feed got corrupted; while I thought I’d have a more interesting first post, this will allow me to test it out.
How is your day going?