Fall Garden


A quick peek at the fall garden – lots of romaine lettuce, spinach and more broccoli in this bed. I also did another bed of leeks and onions but didn’t photograph them.


The peppers are holding out nicely still dropping new fruit. The Brussels sprouts are going gangbusters and I can’t wait to cook them up for the kids! I still have to figure out how to harvest them…


Not some bizarre Seuss thing, the kale has held out nicely and helped me add some zesty crunch to the salads at school!


I’m doing an experiment to independently confirm some Google AdSense theories. If they annoy you a great deal, feel free to use tools to resolve your irritation. Thanks for your patience and yes, once I’m sure of my results I’ll share them.

screenshot of Steven Glass Ceramics .com featuring a series of his sanctuary jars.

Maker’s Work

screenshot of Steven Glass Ceramics .com featuring a series of his sanctuary jars.


I’m delighted to introduce you to the works of Steven Glass.

Steven is the Resident Potter at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and one of the founding members of the Cub Creek Foundation. He makes exquisite, playful ceramics that embrace functional use.

The site is built over WordPress using the Traject theme with extensive customization, which allowed us to deliver a great looking site on time and within a craftsman’s budget.